Bridge in the Fog |
One of the landmarks of San Francisco is the Golden Gate Bridge which is certainly the most photographed bridge in the world. It was the longest suspension bridge when it was built and remained so from 1937 to 1964 and still ranks 11th in the world. Its location and striking international orange color make it pop and make it visible in the fog which often rolls into the bay. Its been seen in many movies and t.v. shows which has also increased its popularity. Sadly, one of the other things its famous for is suicides, its the second most popular spot in the world for suicides.

One of the surprising things I learned about the bridge is that they use all electronic tolls. Tourists like us need to prepay before crossing the bridge. There are no toll takers and they gouge you if you cross without paying in advance. A little too much technology if you ask me.
The Golden Gate Bridge
Written upon completion of the Bridge sometime in 1937
The right to be, the urge to live;
And I am that which men defied,
Yet I ask naught for what I give.
My arms are flung across the deep,
Into the clouds my towers soar,
And where the waters never sleep,
I guard the California shore.
Into the clouds my towers soar,
And where the waters never sleep,
I guard the California shore.
Pedestrians Jam the Bridge on its 50th Anniversary |
Above the fogs of scorn and doubt,
Triumphant gleams my web of steel;
Still shall I ride the wild storms out,
And still the thrill of conquest feel.
Triumphant gleams my web of steel;
Still shall I ride the wild storms out,
And still the thrill of conquest feel.
The passing world may never know
The epic of my grim travail;
It matters not, nor friend or foe –
My place to serve and none to fail.
The epic of my grim travail;
It matters not, nor friend or foe –
My place to serve and none to fail.
My being cradled in despair,
Now grown so wondrous fair and strong,
And glorified beyond compare,
Rebukes the error and the wrong.
Now grown so wondrous fair and strong,
And glorified beyond compare,
Rebukes the error and the wrong.
Vast shafts of steel, wave-battered pier,
And all the splendor meant to be;
Wind-swept and free, these, year on year,
Shall chant my hymm of Victory!
And all the splendor meant to be;
Wind-swept and free, these, year on year,
Shall chant my hymm of Victory!
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